Our Services

Health, Energy, Spark, Naturally

Supporting tired, busy, working women

Being busy used to be a badge of honour, now its just exhausting. We often hear its "normal" to be exhausted and grumpy and frustrated, thats just what it takes to be able to balance career and family committments. What if it doesnt have to be this way?

What if I told you together we can get rid of the grumpy, frustrated, guilty person who you don't even recognise, give you back your vitality and make you sparkle? Well, that is is all possible.

Weight Loss Radiance: Your path to health and motivation

Weight Loss Radiance

🌟 Ready for a Health Reset? 🌟

If you're tired of feeling stuck, lacking motivation, and carrying those extra kilo's... It's time to hit the reset button and embark on a journey to rediscover your health and achieve your weight loss goals! πŸ”„

Join me for Weight Loss Radiance and unlock:

✨ Personalized Guidance: Tailored strategies designed to fit YOUR unique weight loss journey.

πŸ’ͺ Empowering Solutions: Discover the tools to supercharge your weight loss and overall well-being.

🌈 Motivation Makeover: Rekindle your inner fire, and boost your confidence and self-belief, shedding not only the weight but also the doubts.

πŸ™Œ Accountability & Support: Your dedicated partner in every step of your transformation, ensuring you stay on track.

Don't just imagine a healthier life with a slimmer youβ€”let's make it your reality! Book your Weight Loss Assessment appointment today and take the exhilarating first step toward the best version of yourself.

Ready to shine? πŸ’« Click the link below to schedule your call.

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The Revitalisation Project

The Revitalisation Project

Are you burnt out, depleted, feeling like you have nothing left?

Do you feel disconnected - from family, from friends, from life?

Does the idea of a social function fill you with dread because you just don't have the energy, drive or motivation to "be social"?

Have you been told how you're feeling is "normal" yet you cant quite shake the feeling that you could be better?

The Revitalisation Project 12 week program supports you get your spark back so you can enjoy social occasions, you do have the energy (and drive) to play with your kids and partner.

Over the course of just 12 weeks you will master the changes needed to make all this happen. You will be supported the whole way through with:

- Over 2.5 hours of 1:1 time with Alison Patchett, degree qualified naturopath, to really set you up and keep you on track with your personalised plan.

- Fortnightly online group coaching calls with Alison, to answer any questions you have

- Personalised nutrition plan developed just for you which forms a foundation to give you the nutrients you need for long term, healthy change

- Online self paced lessons, workbooks and practical action plans

Our extensive consultation processes means we can get to know each other and provide a truly personalised experience for you to get out of burn out and back to being brilliant. Book a free Health Reset appointment today - it's time to get your spark back!

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Nurturing New Mums

Nurturing New Mums Banner

As a brand new mum (whether its for the first time or 3rd time!), you need support. Sometimes you have family and friends, other times you want and need to support yourself

Nurturing New Mums gives you the tools and techniques to really look after yourself in the days, weeks and months following the birth of your new baby. This self paced course includes bite size videos and downloadable resources on:

- The importance of eating the right foods (and easy meal and snack ideas)

- Looking after your physical health

- Looking after your mental health.

All developed by degree qualified naturopath and Mum of 2, Alison Patchett, you will also get a bonus book on creating a home herbal medicine pantry - what to stock and how to use it.

All this for the low cost of $97. Sign up here:

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What is naturopathic support

Naturopathy supports your own body to function in the way it was meant to, supporting your innate ability to heal.

There are 4 key areas of naturopathic support: what you eat (diet), how you live (lifestyle), herbal medicine and nutritional supplements. These factors underpin any treatment plan.

Naturopathic care is about really get to know you and understand the root cause of your health issues in detail. This is so we can not just resolve symptoms but address the underlying cause as well as manage long term health risks.

Why Whole Vitality?

Why us

We believe that in identifying and understanding the whole you we provide the greatest chance of achieving our clients health goals. With a special interest in womens health, especially that of mums trying to juggle work, family and personal committments, the team at Whole Vitality work with you to achieve optimal health and vitality.

We also recognise that with social media, many women feel overwlemed with information and advice. That raising a family and being a parent is difficult. We don't all have the advantage of a 'village' to support us and therefore having regular support to help can make all the difference. As a degree qualified naturopath with further studies in Emotion Release Technique and Metabolic Balance, Alison at Whole Vitality is very well placed to be that support.


I was frustrated and had tried everything to lose weight before I started working with Alison. I have seen a lot of benefits - the first thing I noticed was an increase in energy... but I could feel the shift in my body even before I noticed it on the scales! The support I get from Alison is just amazing, nothing is a problem and we can work things out together."

Keren, Weight Loss Radiance VIP program client

Keren Testimonial
"The program is just brilliant! It resets the whole body. I haven't had skin like this or felt like this in years, and it's only been a few weeks!".

Carla, Weight Loss Radiance VIP program client

Carla Testimonial
After the birth of my second child I was feeling depleted and I wanted to get my mind and body back. I booked in to see Alison after having success seeing a naturopath in the past. Over the past couple of years Alison has really helped me balance my body again. My mood is more stable, I feel good in my body and Alison has been there to help me every step of the way. I now feel like I’m able to enjoy life to the fullest as a mum to 2 busy young boys.

Sarah, 1:1 client

Sarah Testimonial