How your digestion affects your energy

One of the main issues I hear from my clients is that they are TIRED!!! The fatigue and brain fog is taking it’s toll and they feel guilty for taking this out on their family. Whether it’s yelling at the kids or partner, or just not having the energy or motivation to engage with them, it always feels like there’s more to do than energy to do it.

A big factor in this is what we eat. I find that many mums are either skipping meals, or snacking all day and have little idea what they are actually eating. Why is this an issue? There are a few reasons.

Energy levels are sustained by our food

What we eat sustains our whole body, and that includes our energy levels. Eating regular, whole food-based meals gives our body the energy it needs without the sugar spikes that cause us to crash. For example protein like lean meats, legumes, beans, nuts and seeds give our body sustaining, long term energy. Good quality fats can do the same (and help keep us full for longer).

Snacking often means processed foods

From talking to clients, when they are snacking all day it usually means sugary foods and refined carbohydrates like sweets, cakes, biscuits and chips. These give us short term energy, often followed by an energy crash which then leads to more snacking.

Our digestive system health can help (or hinder) our energy levels

Having a healthy digestive system supports our body, and our mood. Fatigue or tiredness often leads to melancholy or lack of motivation, which can all impact our mental health. If our digestive system is feeling sluggish, often we are feeling sluggish across our whole body. It affects not just our digestion and mental health, but our hormones and sleep too.

So what does a healthy digestive system look like and how do I get one?

In short, a healthy digestive system is one that is free from bloating, reflux and pain. It gives a pain-free, easy and consistent bowel motion 1-3 times daily, without any urgency.

To get a healthy digestive system, my top 3 tips are:

  1. eat regular meals every day
  2. eat mostly plant based foods, with plenty of variety (aim for 40 different plant based foods every week)
  3. drink 2-3 litres of water every day (ideally away from meals).

Yes water makes a huge difference, both to digestive health and to energy levels.

Want to know more? Book in for a free 20 minute Health Reset call to see how naturopathic support can help you with your digestion. Or download my free guide to creating energy boosting meals.