Get rid of that mid afternoon slump

Got that afternoon “blah” feeling?

Some days are harder than others. And sometimes we seem to fall into a bit of a slump, especially around 3pm. Does that sound familiar? A one-off 3pm energy slump might be put down to a bad night’s sleep and you can go to bed early the next few nights and feel ok. For many women I speak to though, this 3pm crash is “normal” - except that it’s not. And there can be a few different reasons this is happening to you. For example:

  • Stress causing cortisol levels to plummet (then often rise again making it hard to get to sleep at night)
  • Poor sleep/going to be too late/not getting enough hours of sleep on a regular basis
  • Not eating properly across the morning
  • Over-reliance on coffee, sugar or other stimulants to keep you going (and causing that sugar crash)
  • Nutrient deficiencies like iron, B12, folate and others
  • And the list goes on…

It can be a complex area that can take more than just 1 approach to resolve. It’s also a common symptom of someone that’s on the way to or in burnout. Many of my clients come to me with this as just one of their symptoms - one of my clients recently told me one of the main reasons they love their ‘working from home’ days is so they can have a nap on the couch at 3pm. Something they cant do when they’re working in the office.

But ultimately it’s not good for you, disruptive to your life, and impacting your sleep and body’s natural rhythm.

Some of the diet and lifestyle questions I ask when working with my clients are:

  • Are you hydrated? Dehydration can cause fatigue, and keeping up the water intake is just the first step in getting back in control.. Dehydration can be made worse if you’ve been drinking coffee all morning (or are reaching for a coffee to give you the energy to get through the rest of the day). Have a big glass of water and then see how you feel

  • Have you eaten? Eating breakfast and lunch are incredibly important to maintaining energy levels across the day. And make sure they contain good quality proteins in there too.

  • Have you been outside today? Sunlight is a natural body stimulant. Getting sunlight tells your body it’s time to be awake, it often leads to getting some exercise - even just a 10 minute walk, which also helps to reduce stress and awaken the senses.

And this is just the start. Because when you work with me, we work together to find the underlying causes, and address these in a way that works for you. We create long term change that suits you and your family. So if you are suffering with that mid afternoon crash, and heading for burnout, lets talk.

Want to know more? Book in for a free 20 minute Health Reset call to see how naturopathic support can help you with your digestion. Or download my free guide to creating energy boosting meals.